How can I get my picture on the first page when my name is searched on Google?

 First of all, to understand the answer to this question, you need to have some idea about Google's algorithm.

In fact, I am showing you through some pictures what kind of results Google search displays.

As you can see in the search above, when I just typed in Putin, the first result that shows up is Wikipedia. In this case, Google gives Wikipedia the first priority. Because here you will not only get your picture, you will get all kinds of information about your desired person or organization. So this can be said first of all if you compile all the information including your picture on Wikipedia, then if you search by writing your name, you will see it first, but there are some limitations in this case, for example, there may be many people with your name and everyone is compiling their own information on Wikipedia. So will your name appear before everyone's name? No, but it will not show because here again the algorithm of Google works, so I will show you the work that Google will do through some more pictures.

Here I was searching with Abi's name. I have seen many movies of him whose results are showing but I didn't know his name is Abir anyway the result you are seeing in picture number two but that Wikipedia result is showing first then what is showing is his official website address then youtube then facebook then google location After Instagram then a blog post. The reason for showing all the information with his name image in this order is the Google Algorithm. In fact, after Wikipedia, it will see how much information is there on any server and how many references are there from which site, how many permalinks there are some other conditions, if you understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO) then you will understand. However, depending on these, search results are displayed in order. Now you may have a question if its server is bigger than the content of Facebook or other sites' servers. If there is such a question, I will say that the server of Facebook or other sites may be heavy but there is less content about it on those servers. Rather, the content on his own site is more about him. Then Google must give priority to its site. Since the content on his site is mostly about him. This will show you the search results in order according to the size of the content and the keywords you are searching for.

Now your question may be should I create such a website? The answer to such a question is if you can do it, there is no problem if you can't. The first thing you can do for free is to compile your profile with all your information on Wikipedia. Later you can open a YouTube account and put some content about yourself there. You can open an Instagram account and add your home location to your name on the map and last and most importantly you can write about yourself on various blogs for this you can do it for free by creating your account on the blog. If you do this, I hope you will see your name first with your picture in Google search for free.

Hope you got your answer

thank you.
